
Mastering the Art of Email Deliverability: Dodging the Spam and Junk Folders

On May 5, 2024 , updated on May 5, 2024 - 4 minutes to read

With the constant increase in the volume of emails exchanged each day, email service providers have developed increasingly sophisticated filters to distinguish legitimate emails from spam. For businesses and marketers, ensuring that email communications actually reach their target’s inbox has become a major challenge.

Structuring an effective communication strategy requires a thorough understanding of the mechanisms that govern anti-spam filters and rigorous application of good email sending practices. Let’s explore these tools and methods together to optimize the visibility of email communications.

Take care of the quality of the recipient list

Select carefully

The integrity of your contact list plays a crucial role in sender reputation. A list with inactive or incorrect addresses can significantly harm your performance. It is therefore essential to ensure that you obtain the consent of recipients and keep the list up to date, by removing unsubscribes and bounces.

Clean regularly

A good practice is to clean the list by eliminating addresses that have not interacted with your mailings over a significant period of time. This reduces the risk of being flagged as spam and preserves your engagement rate.

Write professional emails

Opt for clear and professional language

Using clear and unambiguous language is important. Spam filters can be triggered by excessive use of punctuation, capitalization or terms often associated with spam. Neat, polished writing is more likely to pass the filters.

Maintain a text/image balance

An email composed exclusively of images can arouse the suspicion of filters. Make sure to include enough text to accompany the visuals and use optimized quality images so as not to unnecessarily weigh down the email.

Don’t forget the technical aspects

Validate your domain

DKIM, SPF, and DMARC are security protocols that your business should have in place to validate the authenticity of its mailings and build a positive reputation with email providers. These technical configurations are key to ensuring that your emails are not perceived as fraudulent.

Use a clean domain name

Sending emails from an address associated with a professional domain name demonstrates your seriousness and contributes positively to your sending reputation.

Pay attention to the content of messages

Avoid content pitfalls

Certain words or phrases may trigger spam alerts. It is a good idea to analyze content before sending to ensure that it does not contain potentially problematic terms.

Offer valuable content

Beyond the technical aspects and the form, the content of your emails must be relevant and provide added value to the recipient. Quality content is a guarantee of professionalism which will encourage your contacts to wait and open your emails.

Best practices for sending emails

Good practices of

Regulate the frequency of sending

Too many emails can annoy recipients and cause them to mark your messages as spam. Finding the right balance is essential to maintaining a high open rate and a good reputation.

Test your emails before sending

There are tools to test the deliverability of your emails and get a preview of how they will appear in different email clients. A/B testing can also be useful to gauge what works best with your audience.

Encourage interaction and personalization

Encourage engagement

Encouraging recipients to interact with your emails, for example by replying or clicking on a link, can improve your reputation with email providers.

Personalize your messages

Personalized emails, which speak directly to the recipient and take their interests into account, tend to perform better and are less likely to be considered spam.

Monitor the performance of your campaigns

Analyze key indicators

Monitor your open, click, and conversion rates, as well as spam complaints and unsubscribes. These indicators will provide you with valuable data to adjust your sending strategies.

Be responsive to feedback

Reacting quickly to the slightest warning signs, such as a drop in open rate or an increase in spam markings, is essential to taking the necessary corrective actions.

For any business or individual using email as a communications tool, maximizing email deliverability is a complex but fundamental task. This requires in-depth knowledge of anti-spam practices and a commitment to quality and relevance in every aspect of email sending.

By implementing the methods described, you will create a solid strategy that will not only allow you to avoid the trap of spam folders, but also to build a lasting relationship of trust with your interlocutors. The path to successful email communication is paved with technical details, quality content and respecting recipient preferences.

Focusing on a respectful and professional email campaign is the key to ensuring your messages reach your recipients effectively. Take the time to analyze and optimize every aspect of your emails. After all, in today’s competitive web world, a well-received email is one step closer to the success of your business or initiatives.


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