
Understanding a Seller’s Responsibilities in a French Compromis de Vente Agreement

On May 5, 2024 , updated on May 5, 2024 - 9 minutes to read

Find out everything the seller has to respect in a compromis de vente immobilier. What are his obligations? Here are the essential keys to a successful transaction! When a seller enters into a real estate transaction, he or she must respect certain obligations that define his or her responsibilities. These obligations are crucial to ensuring a transparent and secure transaction for all parties involved.

The obligation to provide complete and accurate information

les engagements du vendeur

When selling a property, the seller is obliged to provide complete and truthful information about the property in question. This includes disclosing any elements likely to influence the buyer’s decision to purchase, whether in terms of hidden defects, work to be carried out or possible servitudes. Failure to comply with this obligation exposes the seller to legal proceedings and financial penalties. It is therefore essential for the seller to lay his cards on the table and not conceal any defects in the property.

The obligation to guarantee peaceful enjoyment of the property

The seller must also guarantee the buyer peaceful enjoyment of the property. This means that the seller must ensure that the purchaser will be able to enjoy the property without suffering external disturbances, such as neighbor disputes or regulatory compliance problems. In the event of a dispute relating to the peaceful enjoyment of the property, the seller may be held responsible and will have to remedy the situation, or even compensate the purchaser if necessary.

The obligation to respect the terms of sale

The seller must also respect the terms of the sale as agreed in the compromis de vente. If these terms are not respected, the seller may be considered to be at fault, and may be obliged to pay penalties to the purchaser. It is therefore essential for the seller to scrupulously respect the terms of the compromis de vente to avoid any subsequent disputes. As a seller, it is vital to be aware of and respect your obligations with regard to property sales. By providing transparent information, guaranteeing the peaceful enjoyment of the property and respecting the terms of the sale, the seller ensures that the transaction is carried out according to the rules of the trade, and that his reputation is preserved. When a seller enters into a real estate transaction, he assumes contractual responsibilities that govern the sale of the property. These obligations are essential to guarantee the legal security of the transaction and protect the interests of all parties involved.

Obligation to deliver the property

la garantie de jouissance paisible

The seller’s first responsibility is todeliver the property. This means that the seller must deliver to the buyer a good that conforms to what was agreed in the sales contract. The seller is obliged to supply a good in good condition, free of any hidden defects and corresponding to the description given.

Warranty against hidden defects

In addition to delivery of the goods, the seller is subject to a warranty against hidden defects. Under this warranty, the seller is obliged to repair any hidden defects in the property that render it unfit for its intended use. If a latent defect is discovered after the sale, the seller may be obliged to repair or refund part or all of the purchase price.

Information on the property sold

The seller also has a duty to inform the buyer. He must provide the buyer with all the necessary information on the property sold, whether this concerns its condition, its characteristics, any easements, or any other factor that may affect the buyer’s decision to purchase.

Compliance with legal standards

The seller must also ensure that the property complies with current legal standards. This applies in particular to mandatory pre-sale diagnostics, such as energy performance diagnosis (DPE), asbestos diagnosis, lead diagnosis, and Carrez surface area measurement for condominiums. In conclusion, the seller’s obligations are manifold, and aim to guarantee a transparent and secure real estate transaction for all parties involved in the buy-sell operation. It is essential for the seller to respect his contractual responsibilities in order to avoid any subsequent disputes and preserve his reputation on the real estate market.

When selling a property, the seller has a number of legal and contractual obligations towards the buyer. These duties are essential to ensure a transparent and secure real estate transaction.

Declaration of essential information

The seller is obliged to provide the buyer with a certain amount of essential information about the property. This includes the living area, the condition of the property, any easements, mandatory diagnostics (such as DPE, ERP, etc.), any hidden defects, etc. It is essential that the seller provides this information fully and truthfully.

Hidden defects guarantee

In addition to declaratory information, the seller must guarantee to the buyer the absence of hidden defects in the property sold. Hidden defects are faults that are not apparent at the time of sale, but which render the property unfit for its intended use. The seller is responsible for these defects, and must inform the buyer of them, or even pay for any repairs required.

Payment of related charges and taxes

The seller must ensure that he is up to date in the payment of all charges, taxes and duties relating to the property. He must also provide the buyer with all documents proving that these payments are in order. This applies in particular to co-ownership charges, property tax, council tax, etc.

Respecting the clauses of the compromis de vente

The seller must scrupulously respect the terms of the compromis de vente signed with the buyer. This includes setting the agreed sale price, deadlines for completion of the sale, any suspensive conditions, etc. In conclusion, the seller’s obligations in the context of a property sale are numerous, and constitute an essential legal framework for securing the transaction. It is crucial for the seller to respect these duties in order to avoid any disputes and to guarantee a sale under the best possible conditions for all parties involved. When selling a property, the seller has legal obligations towards the buyer, particularly with regard to the guarantee of peaceful enjoyment. This guarantee ensures that the buyer will be able to fully and peacefully enjoy the property purchased, without being hindered by disturbances or disputes.

An essential legal obligation

The guarantee of peaceful enjoyment is an essential legal obligation for all sellers. It implies that the seller guarantees the buyer that the latter will be able to use the property without being disturbed by problems linked to third parties or hidden defects. Ifthis guarantee is not respected, the buyer can take legal action to have the sale rescinded or obtain financial compensation.

Different cases of non-conformity

There are several situations in which the guarantee of peaceful enjoyment may be called into question:

  • Neighborhood disturbances (noise, nuisance, etc.)
  • Undeclared easements
  • Hidden defects rendering the property uninhabitable

Remedies available to the buyer

In the event of failure to comply with the guarantee of peaceful enjoyment, the buyer has a number of recourse options:

  • Request resolution of the sale
  • Request a reduction in the sale price
  • Claim damages

It isessential for all buyers to ensure that the guarantee of peaceful enjoyment is clearly stipulated in the preliminary sales agreement, so as to protect themselves in the event of a dispute.As the seller, it is crucial to respect the guarantee of peaceful enjoyment in order to avoid any conflict with the buyer, and to guarantee a smooth real estate transaction. Similarly, as a buyer, it is essential to check that this guarantee is included in the sales contract, to guard against any future problems.

When selling a property, the seller is subject to a number of obligations, including delivery obligations. These obligations mean that the seller must deliver the property to the buyer in the condition agreed in the preliminary sales agreement. Here’s a closer look at these crucial obligations.

Delivering a property as described in the compromis de vente

The seller’s first obligation is to deliver the property as described in the compromis de vente. This includes ensuring that the characteristics of the property (surface area, number of rooms, fixtures and fittings) comply with what was stipulated in the preliminary contract. Failure to comply with this obligation may give rise to legal action on the part of the buyer.

Guaranteeing the buyer’s peaceful enjoyment of the property

In addition to ensuring the property’s conformity, the seller is obliged to guarantee the buyer peaceful enjoyment of the property sold. This means ensuring that the buyer will be able to occupy and use the property without being hindered by de jure or de facto disturbances. The seller must ensure that no third party can claim rights over the property, thereby disturbing the buyer’s peaceful possession.

Hand over the keys and necessary documents

Another obligation of the seller is to hand over to the buyer the keys to the property, as well as all the documents required for its enjoyment. This may include mandatory technical diagnostics, co-ownership regulations, invoices for any work carried out, etc. It is essential that these documents are handed over so that the buyer can take possession of the property with full knowledge of the facts.

Respecting agreed handover deadlines

In addition to delivering a compliant property and ensuring peaceful enjoyment of the property, the seller is obliged to respect the agreed deadlines for handing over the property to the buyer. Any unjustified delay could be considered a breach of this obligation, and could expose the seller to sanctions, or even damages. By respecting these delivery obligations, the seller ensures that the sale of his property is completed in accordance with the commitments made to the buyer. These various stages help to establish a climate of trust between the parties, and guarantee a smooth and secure real estate transaction.


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