Quelles sont les normes de certification applicables aux bûches de bois compressées ?
Compressed wood logs, modern alternatives to traditional wood, raise questions about their validity and quality. The search for certification standards emerges as a necessity to ensure a *sustainable supply* and *efficient heating*. In the face of the rise of this fuel, strict regulation appears inevitable to frame their production and use. Let’s evaluate together the standards and their implications on the market for compressed wood logs. Existing standards: Currently, compressed wood logs do not have a specific standard in France. European references: Standards such as DIN EN 14961-3 exist in Europe for compressed logs. TUV Rheinland Certification: A quality guarantee, verifying moisture, calorific value (PCI), and the source of the wood. Thermal characteristics: Check the calorific value of about 4,800 Wh/kg before purchasing. Absence of obligation: The standard is not mandatory in France, but many manufacturers already comply. Quality of logs: Choose logs that provide a rapid rise in temperature to ensure efficient combustion. Fire performance: Quality logs should remain compact and produce embers, thereby…